With /exe
The straight forward way is to use Nops's /exe method :
# Put in debug mode so that subsequent commands are heard
NOPS.EXE /debug
# Upload with /fast, exe should run
NOPS.EXE /fast /exe <FILE.EXE> /dev/ttyUSB0
# Upload another exe,, psx is halted
NOPS.EXE /fast /exe <FILE.EXE> /dev/ttyUSB0
# Jump to execution address
NOPS.EXE /slow /jal 0x80010000
With /bin
You can also load a psx exe as bin as long as you take the 2048b header offset into account, i.e : load to 0x8000f800
instead of 0x80010000
if your exe's PC is set at this address :
NOPS.EXE /debug
# Load to address - 2048 (0x800) :
NOPS.EXE /fast /bin 0x8000f800 <FILE.EXE> /dev/ttyUSB0
# Call start address
NOPS.EXE /slow /jal 0x80010000
# Upload same exe, it should run from the start
NOPS.EXE /fast /bin 0x8000f800 <FILE.EXE> /dev/ttyUSB0
NOPS.EXE /slow /jal 0x80010000 /dev/ttyUSB0
(NOPS.EXE /cont)
Net yaroze loading
sickle :
# move sio functions to kernel because of an address conflict
nops /debug
# halt the system so it's not trying to trample over yer fresh clean ram
nops /halt
nops /fast /bin 0x8000f800 libps.exe COM14
nops /fast /bin 0x800E2000 rocksfx.dat
nops /fast /bin 0x8015B000 rockgfx.dat
nops /fast /bin 0x801E7000 rocklvl.dat
nops /fast /exe rocks.exe /m